Saturday, September 29, 2012

England Journey Diary (2)

I went to London to attend my US visa interview appointment.

Uff, it is a long story thou. Well, I entered the US as dependent of my wife (which means my visa was F-2 visa). But then, I attend my doctorate program at Towson University. I have to change my visa status to F-1 visa, student visa, to be able to attend classes. At that time, I did not have any scholarship yet so I change my visa status "in-state" which means I did not go outside the US to gain my F-1 visa status. After several process (it took approximately three months) I got my F-1 visa status. But, the visa in my passport was still F-2 visa.

Then, I had to go to EE2012 conference in the UK on behalf of my office, September 18. I did not realize that I have to reapply for the visa once I go out the US. So I made visa interview appointment, and I got September 24. That is the background of how I got into London (and was stranded in the UK for 2 weeks).


In the UK, I stayed in my cousin's apartment on Newcastle. Apparently, I forgot to print my visa appointment when I departed to London using the train to King's Cross! And, I have to find a printing shop in London. Accompanied with my cousin (another one), I searched for printing shop, and I spent AN HOUR to find that place!

In case somebody needs to find an internet cafe and printing shop near King's Cross Station, London, here I give you the GoogleMap images:

And, here's the street view:

Hope this short and messy diary helps you :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Try Wordle

I try to make wordle summary of Papert's ideas resume (I got it from one of my friend).

Click on the image for better view.

Try Voki

Monday, September 24, 2012

England Journey Diary (1)

My learning story probably is a little bit similar with "Kitchen Math" story.

My story is about how I learn to use subway train, or in Baltimore we say "Metro". Since, algorithm and topology (the knowledge of places/distance?) is one of the math branch, I entitle my story as "Metro Math".

In Indonesia, we do not have subway train. Hence, I experienced tremendous traveler anxiety when I had to use Metro at the first time. It was my wife's first day of school in her Master program. I remember it was August 20, 2011 when we went together to Johns Hopkins Medical School using Metro. Before we went to the Metro station, I did some browsing on the GoogleMaps in order to get some explanation about how to get to the school.

Apparently, two dimensional (2D) and some step-by-step instruction is not enough for the first Metro rider like us to be able to use Metro properly. It takes tremendous effort to transfer 2D images into three dimensional (3D) experience. I felt anxious when I have to go deep down to the underground. I also confused what to use. A lot of question suddenly popped out when we arrived on Penn North Metro Station. Do I have to use the lift, but on the lift it said that it is for disable person only? How do I go down to the train platform? Where is the train platform? Fortunately, a very kind African American lady came to us and guided us. I could not imagine how anxious I was. The ticket controlled gate was a completely new thing for me. How do I get the ticket? What I have to do with the ticket to go through that gate? If the lady didn't help us, I sure would stand still for several minutes in front of the Metro gate dealing with my own mental barrier.

I think it is much easier to be guided through the real experience than read it in the internet.

And the next day, my wife found that she had free shuttle bus from Mt. Washington to Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. But for me, the Metro adventure is continued. The second problem of Metro Math is how to understand the Metro Line Map. On my everyday experience using Metro, I developed mental model how the Metro Map, presented as a straight line with dots, represents 3D journey from one place to another place. It is not as difficult as my first experience using Metro because I already broke down the mental barrier.

But the real test was yesterday, when I have to use London Subway Trains. In Baltimore, we only have one Metro Line. In London, they have ELEVEN subway trains called the tubes!

The Metro Line Map is a lot more sophisticated. But basically, the algorithm of the journey is similar: find your destination, buy ticket, go through the ticket controlled gate, find your train platform, get into the train and so on. In Baltimore, we have Charm Card as the topped up ticket. In London, they have Oyster Card. Confused yet? I did. And I said before, it is easier to experience it by yourself.

Using my experience riding Metro in Baltimore, I adapted quickly in London Tubes system. I felt less traveler anxiety. I felt familiar with the system. What I need to do just taking some time to break down those eleven lines into single line, the line that I want to travel to. And, of course I need to take time to read the instruction in the station and on the traveler map.

And voila! Big Ben, here I come :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Birmingham 20120918

Di atas kereta Birmingham-Newcastle pandangan saya melayang ke ufuk barat dimana langit semburat berwarna jingga keunguan dengan awan kelabu berarak-arak. Lampu-lampu jalan berpendaran di kejauhan. Ladang-ladang penggembalaan kuda dan domba di sepanjang rel kereta sudah gelap terselimuti malam. Saya mencoba merefleksikan pengalaman saya konferensi hari ini.

Presentasi saya alhamdulillah lancar walaupun ya ngomong bahasa Inggris-nya masih plegak-pleguk, tapi audiens bisa memahami sepenuhnya. Setelah sesi paralel selesai dan orang2 berjalan menuju ruang makan siang, seorang peserta konferensi dengan nama Abdussalam dari Coventry University (saya tahu dari tagname-nya) menyalami saya dan berkata "that was a good one, I got some points from your presentation." Saya tentu berterimakasih atas apresiasinya.

Setelah mengikuti beberapa presentasi, kesimpulan saya, yang namanya presentasi konferensi Internasional ternyata nggak serem-serem amat. Asal dipersiapkan dengan matang, ide sederhana pun diapresiasi dengan baik. Agak terlalu merendahkan rasanya kalau menyamakan presentasi di konferensi tadi seperti presentasi OPSI, tapi memang kenyataannya presentasi-presentasi tadi tidak sekeren Sir Ken Robinson, Hans Rosling atau Steve Jobs di TEDTalk.

Sayangnya, saya sendiri juga belum bisa presentasi seperti orang-orang yang di TEDTalk. Well, maybe someday I will.


Nha yang paling berkesan malah perjalanan pulangnya. Saya keluar gedung konferensi jm17.30 padahal kereta dari Coventry Train Station jam18.02 dan jalan utk pedestrian di Coventry itu cukup ruwet. Untunglah ketika saya kebingungan baca peta (yg gk biasanya saya bingung baca peta) akibat time pressure, seorang pemuda Inggris yang lagi jalan sama ceweknya menyapa saya, "anything I can help, mate?"

"Oh, I'm looking for Coventry Train Station" jawab saya.

"It's pretty far. Come on, let me take you there," katanya. Padahal tampaknya dia tadinya berjalan ke arah yg berlawanan dari arah saya berjalan.

Ealah Gusti, alhamdulillah sekali kok Panjenengan ngirim mas-mas bule nolong saya biar saya gk ketinggalan kereta.


Ketika saya selesai menulis kalimat di atas, saya kembali menengok ke jendela. Kali ini sudah gelap gulita. Yang tampak di kaca adalah refleksi wajah saya sendiri beserta isi gerbong yang lain. Saya jadi ge-er sama Gusti Allah, gek gek Gusti Allah sedang memperingatkan saya supaya saya suka menolong orang lain, karena saya sudah begitu banyak ditolong orang...

Katakanlah, aku memohon perlindungan kepada Tuhan Penguasa Ufuk yang terbelah, dari keburukan makhluk-makhluk-Nya. Caranya? Semoga saya selalu ingat untuk gemar menolong orang lain semampu yang saya bisa sehingga saya tidak punya kesempatan untuk merugikan orang lain.

Birmingham - Newcastle
19.30 - 22.50

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Masterchef US Season 3 Finale

Overall, it was about harmony & balance won over visually stunning dish :)

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Internet Penetration by 2011 in Indonesia

SOURCE : Internet World Stat

Internet penetration in Indonesia by 2011:

Compare with the US:

...and, the rest of the world: