Saturday, June 11, 2011

Butir Soal Ujian yang Seru

Pas ikut ujian di Prometric untuk keperluan syarat masuk S-3 kemarin, saya nemu soal ujian yang menurut saya keren abis (keren darimana coba?). Berikut soalnya dalam bahasa saya sendiri.

w,x,y,z are positive integer and w < x < y < z.
If the mean of those numbers smaller than the median, then which one is correct?

A. x-w > z-y
B. x-w < z-y
C. x-w = z-y
D. you can not define the relationship.

Well, saya sendiri belum ngerti jawabannya. Hehe.


Anonymous said...

suppose w,x,y,z are 1,2,3,5 respectively, so w<x<y<z. I think B is correct.
don't be too serious :P

pemilikblog said...

Well, your approach seems good.

But, the mean of 1,2,3,5 is 2.75 and the median is 2.5. That doesnt meet the criteria of "the mean has to be smaller than the median"...

You need to be more meticulous, I think :p