Monday, November 29, 2021


What do I think about failure?

One of the big things about game is that, in the game, failure is not punishing. I mean, yeah you can quit the game and it is not a big deal. Sometimes I am thinking that why don't we treat life the same? Everyone in education strives for success, strives for achievement. But the reality is, there are many many failures in education unaddressed. I am one of them. I am a failure.

So, as an instructor or learning facilitator what do I do? Is it not the things I do for the learners for their success?

Yes and no. I do everything I can on my capacity to provide the best learning environment (as I know it) for my students. That is true. And that is the bare minimum I can do for them. Do I not want them to succeed? Well, of course I am happy when they succeed. So in part, I want them to succeed. But I deeply understand that success in education is not that simple. It is a messy process with a lot of confounding factors. Sometimes, success even shouldn't be attributed to a single person. It is a social trait. Somebody could achieve something since only and only if those intricate factors support them to be. I, as an instructor, am just a very small factor among all of those intertwining web of factors.

But it is my responsibility to provide the best support I can offer. That is an instructor credo.

How if one of my students failed? I won't mad. I won't sad. I understand. Something might happen, outside my circle of influence. But before that happened, I just wish he/she had the opportunity to reach me out so that I might help.

It is just like in a game. You may quit. You may fail. But not before you give your best shot.

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